Hi, I am Makutian

by Maiyian Heritage- Donor Relations
$79 raised of $265 goal 29.81%

  • Kenya
  • Consider giving monthly to provide communities in need with consistent and enduring solutions.

    My name is Makutian, I am 70 years old female, born and raised up in the northern region of Kenya to a nomadic family that fully depended on livestock as a source of livelihood. I spent my childhood herding as well helping with house chores. I never got a chance to obtain formal education. I was initiated at my teenage and then married off immediately. I spent the rest of my life raising my family.

    In the recent years, climate change has brought about very unpredictable weather. We depended on livestock for a living until recently when we experienced severe drought that swept away all my livestock. I now mostly depend on scarce casual jobs in order to put food on the table.

    I am kindly appealing for your support so that am able to afford medication, improve nutrition and have a better life.
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $4
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $4
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $7
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $51
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $13
    Will Provide:

    Nutrition support & Skills training

    Regular medical checkups

    An introduction to the love of God

    We are updating this section for you. Please check back later. Thank you.

    Please use this form to submit an inquiry.

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    Maiyian Heritage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. USA – Tax ID # 85-3563495 I Kenya OP# 218/051/11-0261/7125.