Hi, I am Jackline!

by Maiyian Heritage- Donor Relations
$46 raised of $221 goal 20.81%

  • Kenya
  • Consider giving monthly to provide communities in need with consistent and enduring solutions.

    Hello, my name is Jackline. I come from Narok County, Kenya. I was born into a nomadic family. Our community migrates in search of water and pasture for our livestock and ourselves. When I was young, I helped my family by herding our livestock. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to attend school or learn any employable skills.
    When I became a teenager, I was initiated into young adulthood and then married off to a man chosen by my family. Since then, my life has been centered around taking care of my husband and children. However, the high cost of living and climate change have made farming unreliable, making it difficult to provide for my family.
    That's why I'm reaching out to anyone who can help. I need support to learn about climate-smart agriculture or start a sustainable income-generating activity, like raising chickens. This will provide us with better food security, nutrition and access to healthcare, improving our quality of life. Thank you for your kind consideration.
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $9
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $9
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $28
    Will Provide:

    Nutrition support & Skills training

    Regular medical checkups

    An introduction to the love of God

    We are updating this section for you. Please check back later. Thank you.

    Please use this form to submit an inquiry.

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    Maiyian Heritage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. USA – Tax ID # 85-3563495 I Kenya OP# 218/051/11-0261/7125.