My name is Helen, born and raised in Narok County, Kenya to a nomadic family. Nomadic pastoral communities keep migrating in search of water andpasture for human and livestock consumption.I spent my childhood herdingmy family’s livestock and therefore never had a chance to obtain formaleducation that comes with diversified employable skills.
At the end of myteenage age, I got initiated into young adulthood and shortly after got marriedoff to a suitor chosen by my family.The rest of my life has been spent raising my children and taking care of my husband.
Making ends meet has become a struggle in the recent days due to the high cost of living and climate change which has made pastoralism and small scale farming an unsustainable source of income.
I am therefore kindly appealing for support from well-wishers in form of;capacity building on climate-smart agriculture or set up a small but sustainable livelihood income generating activity like chicken rearing in order for me to be able to provide for my family.This support will enable my family and I to access; improved food security andnutrition and much-needed healthcare, and hence improve the quality of my
Corporate Giving donated $25
Corporate Giving donated $9
Corporate Giving donated $28
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