I am H. Wanjiku

$25 raised of $1,500 goal 1.67%

  • Kenya
  • Consider giving monthly to provide communities in need with consistent and enduring solutions.

    Hello, my name is Hannah. I am an 80-year-old woman from central Kenya. Throughout my life, I have faced many challenges. I am a widow and blind, which means I need help to move around. Currently, I live with my two sons and six grandchildren in a small house. Unfortunately, I couldn't provide my sons with an education, so they have limited employable skills. As a result, they depend on casual jobs in coffee farms to feed our family and pay for school fees. However, the inconsistent rain patterns have led to less work in the farms, which makes it hard for us. I am kindly asking for any help to achieve my vision, which is to break the cycle of poverty and ensure a brighter future for my family. We want to start a small family business in Dairy Farming, which will guarantee our sustenance and create a foundation for my grandchildren's education. I strongly believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities that shape their destiny. Your support will enable my family and me to build a decent house, access improved food security and nutrition, and much-needed healthcare, thus improving the quality of our lives. Thank you for considering my request.
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $25
    Will Provide:

    Nutrition support & Skills training

    Regular medical checkups

    An introduction to the love of God

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    Please use this form to submit an inquiry.

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    Maiyian Heritage supports UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

    Maiyian Heritage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. USA – Tax ID # 85-3563495 I Kenya OP# 218/051/11-0261/7125.