HOPE For the Elderly!

by Maiyian Heritage- Donor Relations
$1,479 raised of $5,800 goal 25.50%

  • Laikipia County
  • Consider giving monthly to provide communities in need with consistent and enduring solutions.

    HOPE for the Elderly community-based organization (HOPE) is Maiyiana Heritage's implementing partner in Laikipia County and its environs.

    Hope endeavors to provide quality healthcare to elderly persons affected by poverty, neglect, and poor health.These elderly persons did not have employable skills nor access to great economic opportunities in their younger years and therefore lack savings and economic resources to cater to their needs in their retirement age.

    For the majority, their children did not fare any better and had themselves endeavoring to make ends meet, often traveling far and wide to seek economic opportunities. Because they did not have education opportunities, these elderly persons do not access critical information that could inform their healthcare habits.

    Maiyian Heritage is partnering with HOPE to support the registration and payment of the first annual National Health Insurance Funds (NHIF) insurance premium at a cost of $46 for 100 elderly persons in Laikipia County. The NHIF membership gives each elderly person access to quality healthcare as this gives them access to government-sponsored health facilities and hospitals, both public and private within geographical reach at a much subsidized cost with some NHIF-supported services free of charge.

    In addition, Maiyian Heritage is also providing basic food packages for the elderly targeting better nutritional support at a cost of $7 per month ($84 annually) per elderly person supported.

    In 2023, Maiyian Heritage and HOPE for the elderly target to register and provide nutrition support 100 elderly persons at a total cost of $8,077. In June 2023, Maiyian Heritage provided $ 1479 towards this initiative.

    We are therefore calling on friends of Maiyian Heritage and the elderly to help raise the balance of $6,600 to ensure better healthcare and nutrition support for the 100 elderly persons in Laikipia County.
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $1,479
    Will Provide:

    Nutrition support & Skills training

    Regular medical checkups

    An introduction to the love of God

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    We are Christ-centered, church-based and child-focused.

    Maiyian Heritage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. USA – Tax ID # 85-3563495 I Kenya OP# 218/051/11-0261/7125.