My name is Sankaili Ledepe, a 72-year-old man born and raised in the northern parts of Kenya to a nomadic family whose main work was to move from place to place in search of pasture and water for their animals. I spent my childhood taking care of our animals, until my teenage years when I was initiated into moralism (warriors) where I was expected to provide security to the community as well as carry out raids of the neighboring communities. I later got married to my 2 lovely wives and had children. life was normal until a few years ago when pasture and water for the animals became inadequate due to poor rainfalls and land degradation. This led to the loss of animals and hence the loss of our source of livelihood.
I have now resorted to doing manual jobs to earn something for my family since things have changed tremendously. Am hereby appealing for support so that I can provide for my family better.
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $7
Corporate Giving donated $51
Corporate Giving donated $13
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