Hi, I am Roikan!

by Maiyian Heritage- Donor Relations
$72 raised of $265 goal 27.17%

  • Kenya
  • Consider giving monthly to provide communities in need with consistent and enduring solutions.

    Am Roikan lentaiko, a 84 years old female born and raised in the northern parts of Kenya to a nomadic family which moved from place to place with their cattle. I grew up herding domestic animals and never got a chance to pursue formal education. I got married early during my teenage period. I have spent years taking care of my children and my late husband. Things changed a lot when long droughts began sweeping across the land. This led to loss of our main ource of livelihood leading to poverty. I am appealing for assistance so that I can begin living a better life as well as attend my clinics.
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $4
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $4
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $51
    • Corporate Giving
      Corporate Giving donated $13
    Will Provide:

    Nutrition support & Skills training

    Regular medical checkups

    An introduction to the love of God

    We are updating this section for you. Please check back later. Thank you.

    Please use this form to submit an inquiry.

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    Sponsorship gives communities hope beyond poverty.

    Maiyian Heritage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. USA – Tax ID # 85-3563495 I Kenya OP# 218/051/11-0261/7125.