My name is Kololwe Kiperus , a 65 years old woman born and raised in the northern parts of Kenya to a nomadic family which spent most of their time moving from place to place searching pasture for their animals . I got involved mainly in herding my dads cattle , until my teenage years where I was initiated into adulthood and married off immediately . I spent the rest of my life raising my children and serving my husband until his demise . I was left to take care of my family alone . long droughts have since visited the land due to poor rainfalls patterns and land degradation . this has caused loss of our source of livelihoods . currently , I am involved in manuals jobs so that I can fend for my family . am appealing for support in order to live a better life .
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $7
Corporate Giving donated $30
Corporate Giving donated $21
Corporate Giving donated $13
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