My name is Kidaru lolematumge, a 75 years old born and raised in the northern kenya to a nomadic lifestyle. I spent my entire childhood herding my father's cattle, and later got initiated into adulthood . As a young adult, I got involved in moranism and the major work was to protect the community from outside aggression. Life was alright for many years as I lived depending on animals for food and everything else.Just a few years ago, things began changing with disappearance of rainfall patterns and hence death of animals due to lack of pasture . Am also a patient with issues in my back and hence unable to walk. I use wheelchair to come out of the house and back. Am seeking your support in order to live a better life.
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $7
Corporate Giving donated $51
Corporate Giving donated $13
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