My name is Roikaa Ntiyaine, a 74-year-old female, born and raised in the northern parts of Kenya to a nomadic family that moved constantly searching for pastures and water for their animals. I have been blessed with 8 children. I have for many years fully depended on livestock as a primary source of income. However, climate change has brought about prolonged droughts.
I recently lost all my livetock due to the droughts in the region and life has never been the same again. I am currently depending on scarce manual jobs in order to fend for my family. Accessing healthcare is almost impossible due to scarse resources. I am kindly seeking your support to setup a small but sustainable livelihood income generating activity (IGA) in order to live a better life.
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $7
Corporate Giving donated $51
Corporate Giving donated $13
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