My name is Teyesi, a 65 years old female Born and raised in the northern region of Kenya to a nomadic family that kept moving in search of pasture and water. I spent my childhood herding our animals and never had a chance to obtain formal education.
I later got initiated into young adulthood in my teenage and got married off immediately. I later spent my life raising my children and taking care of my husband. Our community fully depended on livestock as a primary source of livelihood but due to climate change things have changed. We recently experienced severe drought that swept away all our livestock leading to tough economic times.
I now rely on very scarce manual jobs in order to put food on the table. I am Kindly appealing for support from well wishers in order for me to access healthcare, establish a small income-generating activity and improve the quality of my life as well as that of my family.
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $4
Corporate Giving donated $7
Corporate Giving donated $38
Corporate Giving donated $13
Corporate Giving donated $13
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